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Bias details, teaching context, teaching suggestions:
False Consensus Effect | Just World Bias | Social Desirability Bias | Self-Serving Bias | Groupthink Effect | Actor-Observer Bias | Confirmation Bias | Dunning Kruger Effect / Illusory Superiority | Halo Effect | Bias Blind Spot
What to expect:
BAM interactive Cognitive Biases provides immediate feedback and links to detailed guidance for teachers on this website.
The resources for teachers provide examples of each bias in a teaching context, discuss potential bias impact, suggest in-class activities, bias mitigation suggestions and discussion questions.

BAM Logical Fallacies includes self-assessment with in-test feedback on:
False Cause, Bandwagon, Loaded Question, Appeal to Emotion, Cherry-Picking, Burden of Proof, No True Scotsman, Moral Equivalence, False Analogy, Composition Fallacy, Ad Hominem, Straw Man, Appeal to Authority, False Dichotomy, Slippery Slope, Circular Reasoning, Hasty Generalization, Red Herring, Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, Appeal to Ignorance
What to expect:
BAM Logical Fallacies is a self-assessment test on sensitivity to logical fallacies. It provides immediate in-test feedback. Due to the nature of logical fallacies as errors in reasoning that fail formal logic, we provide in-test feedback containing fallacy definition and further examples. Rather, we suggest that BAM Logical Fallacies is used as a snapshot of fallacy sensitivity and awareness tool that can help you better navigate discussions in class or assess the quality of argumentation in written assignments.
Note: A free account on https://eduhub.ntcenter.bg is required to access the BAM and process results. You will be prompted to create an account if you do not have one already. You can use the same registration to access both BAM Cognitive Biases and BAM Logical Fallacies. Eduhub is the LMS hosting for UnControversial by NTCenter, a member of the UnControversial project consortium.